Spaying And Neutering Combat Pet Overpopulation

You are often recommended to spay or neuter your pets. To an extent, this is meant to help individual animals. After all, spayed or neutered pets are less interested in going outside, which exposes them to an enormous range of dangers. However, these procedures also do a great deal of societal good by combating the problem of pet overpopulation. This isn't mere speculation. Euthanization rates fell by more than 75 percent in major cities from 2009 to 2019, which it credited to the push for spaying and neutering. [Read More]

3 Benefits of Scheduling Routine Dental Cleaning for Your Cat

Many pet owners only visit the vet clinic when their pet needs medical care. The problem with this is that it can quickly lead to more expensive visits due to missing preventable health problems. This couldn't be truer than when you consider dental care. Since preventive measures are the most effective way of preventing dental problems, it's best to take a precautionary approach and ensure that dental visits happen regularly rather than only when absolutely necessary. [Read More]

4 Good Reasons Why You Should Spay Your New Dog

If you are getting on a new puppy and aren't sure if you want to spay her due to costs or the potential for litters, you should weigh your options carefully. Here are four reasons why you should spay your new dog. You Will Help End the Cycle of Pet Homelessness If your dog roams outside or escapes from your backyard, she could end up with unwanted litters. And one un-spayed female dog can have as many as 21 pups a year. [Read More]